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Opeagle, Inc. is a Non Commercial, Informational/Opinion Editorial Website. Subject pages are published for informational purposes with opportunity for public opinion and expression provided for in the 1st Amendment. Opeagle, Inc. does not endorse any particular Subject nor does Opeagle, Inc. endorse the views of public opinion given on any Subject Page. While Opeagle, Inc. may allow for advertising later on to pay the bills, Opeagle, Inc.  it’s Advertisers, Users and Subjects of Subject Pages will still not necessarily endorse one another. Users should in no way infer or relate any publication or advertisement anywhere on Opeagle, Inc. as an endorsement by any User, Subject, Advertiser or Opeagle Inc. Like anyone is really going to use this site anyways!

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Hmmm. What Else? Oh yeah!

Use of Photos

We make every effort to verify that the photos we use here are Creative Commons and Public Use. We try our best to Attribute on every photo. If you think we are doing something wrong then please tell us and we will do our best to solve the issue.

Thanks! Nice photo by the way.

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Opeagle Inc. and reserve the right to remove your account at any time without cause. (we probably won’t though) We believe in freedom of speech. We do not believe in breaking the law. If you break the law on this website you're on your own buddy. We will not be an accomplice to your stupidity. Just don’t do it. How hard is that? We reserve the right to email notifications about Opeagle, Inc. We will make changes from time to time on everything here and we will make our best effort to inform you of those changes, you should also check back periodically.

One last thing…

We are a grass roots start-up with absolutely no money. No, really, NO MONEY!  If you plan on suing us (we wish you wouldn’t) you should probably wait until we get some money. Right? I mean that does make sense doesn't it? You wouldn't want to make the effort to end up with nothing but satisfaction would you? Thanks.

Contact Info:

Opeagle Incorporated is a California Corporation 

Opeagle Incorporated


Irvine, California 92650

Love, Liberty, Happiness, Justice, Peace
